Sunday 8 February 2009

All the Lies

Hi, I'm Gigi. I am a 23 year old single gal currently living in Provo, Ut. P-town may not be the most fun place in the world, but for any young single adult who happens to be mormon it's Mecca. It's the New York City of the mormon world. Whether people admit it or not, they come here to fall in love.

I am sassy, sarcastic and most of all cynical (I know, that's a lot to take in one girl). I am fully aware that those are probably to reasons I'm still single. However, recently my lack of a marital status has given me great insight into the dating world, and even further into life: PEOPLE LIE.

You would be lying to say, "I don't lie". Everyone lies, if not outwardly, then inwardly. I believe we lie the most to ourselves. It is hard to admit our character defects, personal inconsistencies and our individual hypocrisy, so we lie to ourselves. We salvage what shreds of courage, conviction and confidence we have in order to continue playing the game. To openly admit our flaws would only lead to trepidation and failure.

I believe dating is exemplified by Darwinism: Survival of the fittest. Lying is just self-preservation in order to avoid premature failure.

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